KiKM The Kaieteur Institute For Knowledge Management

About Us






e-Knowledge Markets

Business Models


The Enterprise 
Ideas Economy




    We help you grow beautiful results in knowledge markets !


    The Kaieteur Institute For Knowledge Management was founded in 1997 by Bryan Davis 

    The Institute is a business-oriented think-tank, applied knowledge technology lab, and powerful knowledge network. We provide education, research, consulting and advisory services, for the profitable application of knowledge management to business. The mission is to help clients experience positive results in global and local knowledge markets. We conduct advanced independent research and practice, related to furthering an understanding of knowledge innovation zones, knowledge markets and exchanges, knowledge enabling software, knowledge-based business design, knowledge pattern recognition, the enterprise ideas economy, competitive intelligence, knowledge as a vital asset for business continuity, change pattern recognition, knowledge buyer motivation, knowledge-value, and the emerging “KnowledgeEverNet” – the always-on, always-connected increasingly networked global brain. We then work with our clients and global business partners to create market leading, differentiated, profitable and innovative ways to leverage knowledge and intellectual capital assets.

    See this PDF Document [PDF, 2MB] for more information on services offered by the Kaieteur Institute for Knowledge Management.



    • To be a leading think tank for the advanced understanding of knowledge-to-profit pathways using knowledge innovation zones, knowledge markets, knowledge exchanges, knowledge pattern recognition, knowledge-based business models, the enterprise ideas economy, and knowledge enabling software. 




    • To share, exchange, and transfer penetrating and useful Insights resulting from our deep ongoing study, learning, and continuous mastery of knowledge. We do this for the profitable application and benefit of our expanding community of knowledge-based customers and stakeholders.  


      • Integrity.
      • Professionalism.
      • Knowledge.
      • Networking
      • Community
      • Partnership
      What We Do

        We enable you to leverage knowledge strategically and wisely !

        We are an independent organization.
        We are in the Insight business.
        We help you Harness The Power Of Knowledge and move beyond yesterday's outmoded thinking.
        We advance your understanding about deep knowledge issues and  to engage in knowledge arbitrage, monetization, entrepreneurship and cross-pollination.
        We  do this through our specific focus on the cultivation of deep smarts and via continuous innovation in six core knowledge domains :


        Service Areas


        • White Papers
        • Reports
        • Software ( in development ) 
          Why waste time and effort on yesterday's tired, first-generation KM thinking ? We can help you advance to the next-generation knowledge frontier.
          • Build a more profitable knowledge-driven business
          • Implement knowledge markets and exchanges
          • Develop new knowledge-based business models
          • Create a better functioning Enterprise Ideas Economy
          • enhance knowledge pattern recognition
          • Shrink knowledge acquisition cycle time
          • Obtain actionable cost-effective insights ahead of the pack 
          • Carry out syndicated research into knowledge-based economy issues relevant to your firm
          • Leverage fresh, unique, high-quality, advanced, independent thinking
          • Optimize the harnessing of intellectual capital and intangible assets
          • Improve the flow of knowledge through the enterprise
          • Enhance knowledge worker behaviour, productivity, and performance
          • Engage in superior change management by challenging existing mental models and mindsets
          • Develop knowledge infrastructures and deploy knowledge enabling software
          • Evaluate knowledge management technology options
          • Assess and Audit your current knowledge competencies and identify knowledge gaps
          • Grow customer knowledge and loyalty
          • Improve capabilities in knowledge asset capture, creation, sharing, protection, dissemination, & exploitation
          • Better integrate your knowledge and e-business strategies and practices
          • Make wiser strategic investments in knowledge
          • Pin-point knowledge-oriented strategy opportunities, risks and options
          • Grow powerful new knowledge network connections and virtual community
          • Ultimately, take your knowledge game to a higher level !
          • Contact Us About A Consultation 
          • The means of production are now increasingly the minds of the producers.
          • Managing knowledge involves taking a disciplined approach to harnessing the collective knowledge and brain-power of individuals and organizations.
          • Managing the flow of knowledge is now more important than just managing the stock.
          • The basic economic resource and the highest source of new value creation and wealth is no longer just capital, land, or labour, but knowledge.
          • As the nature of work becomes more knowledge-intensive management by command and control must be superceeded by self-organizing principles, empowerment, and vision inspired leadership.
          • We live in the age of digital, inter-networked, intelligence and smart products and services which increasingly contain higher concentrations of "congealed knowledge".
          • Knowledge is fast becoming the greatest source of sustainable development, growth, innovation, and competitive advantage.
          • Knowledge markets and exchanges are the innovation engine powering next-generation knowledge leverage !
          • Ideas are the new currency !

