About Us






e-Knowledge Markets

Business Models


The Enterprise 
Ideas Economy




In The Digital Knowledge-Based Economy Patterns Matter


Human Genome Project



    Satellite Imagery


Knowledge Mapping Mega Pattern & Trend  - Unleashing Revolutionizing Technologies   


Our continuously improving knowledge of  the patterns above, from the  Computer Microchip, the Human Genome, the DNA Double Helix,  Nanotechnology, and Satellite Imagery,  will play a growing role in our lives going forward. We live and work increasingly in a knowledge-driven economy. But what about the patterns that relate to knowledge itself ?

We believe that the ability to identify, interpret, imagine, intuit, instruct, and intervene using Knowledge Pattern Recognition, is a fundamental competency for achieving success in the knowledge game.

We have therefore been carrying out independent research into the collation and understanding of winning knowledge patterns for some time.

We now have developed a toolkit to support our :- Knowledge Assessment & Strategy Consulting Services.
In providing this service we are able to offer our clients rapid, cost efficient, strategic auditing and assessment of their organization's knowledge capabilities, knowledge gaps, and level of readiness for transformation to a more knowledge 
driven enterprise.

Our work is based on combining  timeless principles and simple common sense, with next-generation advanced knowledge pattern concepts.

Fluency and Agility with Knowledge Pattern Recognition capabilities can ultimately be highly Profitable.


The Kaieteur Institute's Knowledge Pattern Array - Codifying Smart Knowledge Management


Sample Visual Reporting Chart



Our White Paper

We have prepared a White Paper that describes our thinking about the importance of Knowledge Pattern Recognition

Abstract :  

Pattern Recognition has proven to be a powerful tool in many disciplines. It is useful as an interpretive, communication, and explanatory heuristic. In the knowledge management field to-date, there is hardy any focus on knowledge patterns. An argument is made for a deeper appreciation of the potential usefulness of knowledge pattern recognition. An attempt is made to develop a working taxonomy of knowledge patterns.  The resulting array of available knowledge patterns, then provides a basis for developing strategy, conducting audits, making adept decisions, and as a guide to raising the bar on smart knowledge performance. Knowledge pattern recognition should become an ever more critical skill-set and core competency, as the knowledge based economy advances.

Download White Paper as an Adobe Acrobat File. (pdf).

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Media Coverage
A version of our White Paper was featured in the September 2001 Issue Of Knowledge Management Magazine


This paper has also been published as a  Chapter of a new book -  edited by Dr.Nick Bontis,
and published by Butterworth-Heinemann



World Congress on Intellectual Capital Readings
by Nick Bontis (Editor). It can be ordered from amazon.com



See Also feature article on the Kaieteur Institute's Knowledge Pattern Recognition Research :


February 2002
©SIGNAL Magazine 2002

Following Patterns Carves a Path to Success
Knowledge templates may bring stability to businesses struggling in a changing economy.

By Sharon Berry


A Recent Presentation :-
3rd Annual Knowledge Management Canada
Creating Value through People-Centric Processes
October 22, 23 and 24, 2001- Toronto Colony Hotel, Toronto, Ontario

Day Two - Tuesday, October 23
9:00 - 9:50

The Power of Knowledge Pattern Recognition
Bryan Davis, President, The Kaieteur Institute for Knowledge Management
  • Discover pattern recognition's interpretive and communication applications
  • Developing knowledge pattern recognition strategies
  • Determining strategic and tactical benefits of pattern recognition
  • Reviewing taxonomy of knowledge patterns mapped to date
  • Developing innovative strategies, conducting audits and making adept decisions through mapped knowledge patterns



Consulting Service

KPR 1 - Knowledge Pattern Based Assessment Service

What's Your Knowledge Profile ?

What's it worth to your organization to have an independent assessment of your knowledge capabilities ?

We provide independent audits and assessments of your organization's knowledge performance. Because of the advanced methodologies we use, this process is executed in a rapid, time-boxed, intelligent, and clearly focused way. We know exactly what patterns of knowledge performance we are looking to find and measure. We test the pulse of your organization's knowledge heartbeat. You end up with an accurate knowledge performance scorecard using our proprietary knowledge pattern recognition metrics. This let's you clearly see the health and strength of your knowledge capabilities where it counts. The benefits are, you learn where knowledge energy is being wasted and where it's being applied wisely. You also obtain a fresh perspective on your organization's areas for improvement.

This is completed for a fixed price so there are no surprise costs. Pricing is scaled for small, medium, and large enterprises.
5 Days = 10K;  10 Days = 20K    15 Days = 30 K    (Basic Travel and Accommodation costs are extra ). Prices Are in US$.

Contact Us For More Information


Profit From The Application Of New Knowledge Pattern Recognition Research To Your Business
Consulting Services

KPR 2 - Knowledge Pattern Based  Strategy Service

Are You Leveraging Super Knowledge Mega Patterns ?
Do you have a well integrated knowledge strategy ? Is it working ? Need Improvement ?
Are you balanced in all 4 quadrants below ? Talk to Us !

This intensive knowledge strategy workout process puts you in command of a new set of powerful KiKM Knowledge Technics  to help you leverage knowledge energy for the growth of sustainable profits, intellectual capital, intellectual property, customer capital, and mind-share. 

This is completed for a fixed price so there are no surprise costs. The Price is scaled for small, medium, and large enterprises.
5 Days = 10K;  10 Days = 20K    15 Days = 30 K    (Basic Travel and Accomodation costs are extra ). Prices Are in US$. 

Contact Us For More Information


Profit From The Application Of New Knowledge Pattern Recognition Research To Your Business

Sign-up To Attend A Knowledge Pattern Recognition Seminar - http://www.kikm.org/education.html

Or, Arrange A Knowledge Pattern Recognition Seminar on-site at Your Organization

To Request More Information - Click Here


Profit From The Application Of New Knowledge Pattern Recognition Research To Your Business
Resources - Links

1. Knowledge Leadership

Entovation Global Knowledge Leadership Map
http://www.entovation.com/kleadmap/index.htm and http://www.entovation.com/members/kleadmap/members.htm

Debra Amidon - "The 7 C's Of Knowledge Leadership"

Leadership.com - http://www.leadership.com/

Leaders Direct - http://www.leadersdirect.com/

"Leadership in the new millennium will need a completely different paradigm from the "command and control" role of the yesteryears. Leadership will be determined in the knowledge era by its ability to generate excitement and enthusiasm to surface ideas that will result in a sustainable, competitive advantage for the organisation"
Azim H Premji, Chairman, Wipro Corporation, India

2. Knowledge Harvesting

Larry Todd Wilson is a cognitive phychologist and one of the leading practitioners in this field.
http://www.knowledgeharvesting.com/     http://www.knowledgeharvesting.org/presentations.htm

3. Story-Telling / Conversation & Dialogue


Stephen Denning, The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations(Butterworth Heinemann: October 2000)

David Snowden Of The IBM Knowledge Management Institute, UK, is another leading
theorist and practitioner. He has developed a series of pioneering methods, including the use of anthropological techniques for knowledge disclosure through the ASHEN model, the use of stories as an advanced form of knowledge repository, and the Cynefin model of formal and informal communities."
See also,
The Knowledge Socialialization project At IBM

 Journal Of Storytelling & Business Excellence -   http://www.storytellingcenter.com/articles.htm

Seymour Papert -    http://www.papert.com


4. Intelligent Agent/Knowbot

Software Agents Group, MIT Media Lab


5. Knowledge Reuse

software -

Quality Information and Knowledge Management,
1/e Kuan-Tsae Huang, Pleasantville, New York Yang W. Lee, Brighton, Massachusetts Richard Y. Wang, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts Published October, 1998 by Prentice Hall PTR (ECS Professional)

the Hypermedia Design Patterns Repository - http://www.designpattern.lu.unisi.ch/HypermediaHomePage.htm

How Knowledge Reuse Informs Effective System Design and Implementation -  Daniel E.    O'Leary,
The author analyzes knowledge reuse in a Big 5 professional service firm. He investigates how reuse affects design, provides a methodology for evaluating systems to increase reuse, and discusses the impact of differential costs and benefits on the organization http://www.computer.org/intelligent/ex2001/x1044abs.htm

6. Knowledge Mining

Starlight System - Pacific Northwest Labs - http://www.pnl.gov/nsd/commercial/starlight/index.html


VxInsight from Sandia Labs

KnowledgistTM, is a comprehensive Knowledge Mining Tool.
Knowledgist is a powerful personal semantic processing tool that dramatically reduces the amount of time people spend looking for relevant information on the Web, an Intranet, or their own computer.

The Brain.com - http://www.thebrain.com/

7. Workflow Process Assets

INSEAD - Knowledge Management & Workflow - http://www.insead.edu/CALT/Encyclopedia/ComputerSciences/Groupware/Workflow/

WARIA - ( Workflow & Reengineering International Association ) - http://www.waria.com/

WMFC - ( Workflow Management Coalition ) - http://www.wfmc.org/

8. Social Network Analysis

The International Network for Social Network Analysis

Karen Stephenson is a Professor Of Management and Corporate Anthropologist,a and is one of the leading luminaries in this field,see 

Valdis Krebs is another leading practitioner of Organization Network Analysis

9. Competencies

Robert C. Osborne at Business Breakthroughs Inc. - Salt Lake City UT

Case : Managing Knowledge Competencies at Microsoft

10. Competitive Intelligence

Society For Competitive Intelligence Professionals

Competia.com - http://www.competia.com/home/

11. Mind To Market

Case : Real-World Knowledge Management: Whats Working for Hoffman-LaRoche

Book : From Mind To Market : Reinventing The Supply Chain. Roger Blackwell. Harper Business. NY. 1997.

Book: Commercializing New Technologies : Getting from Mind to Market
by Vijay K. Jolly

12. Growing Customer Capital

Customer Knowledge Management: The GE Answer Center

Don Peppers & Matha Rogers

CRM Forum

Hubert Saint-Onge - http://www.knowinc.com/saint-onge/articles.htm

 Grey Matters: CFO's Third Annual Knowledge Capital Scorecard  -    http://www.cfo.com/Article?article=2514

13. Knowledge Substitution

"Re-engineering Knowledge Logistics" - Gordon Wills & Mathew Wills

Knowledge-Based Logistics

14. Knowledge Network/Knowledge Centre

Case :- E & Y The Centre For Business Knowledge

Buckman Labs - Knetix

Radio Interview :-
Why knowledge management is smart, according to Brooke Manville, partner at McKinsey & Company


15. Learning Organization

David O. Ulrich, Professor of Business Administration


16. Communities Of Practice

Etienne Wenger

George Por

Communities of Practice and Pattern Language James B. Smethurst

The business pattern required for the networked economy in which we find ourselves is what we call the Collaborative Community. Our newest book explains this pattern in detail and is titled Collaborative Communities: Partnering for Profit in the Networked Economy (Dearborn Trade, June 2001). http://www.rhythmofbusiness.com

17. Knowledge Aggregation

Brad Hoyt - http://www.kmnews.com/Editorial/km.htm






18. Knowledge Based Engineering

Knowledge Technologies International (K T I) -

Unigraphics -

Coventry University, Knowledge Engineering & Management Centre -


19. Knowledge Environment/Worlds/Ecologies

"Integrating Spatial, Semantic, and Social Structures for Knowledge Management" -
- Chaomei Chen Department of Information Systems & Computing, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK
- John Davies Knowledge Management Research, BT Laboratories, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich,

Arian Ward - Work Frontiers International - http://www.workfrontiers.com

Victoria Ward
Can The Design of Physical Space Influence Collaboration?

Impact of the Physical Environment on Knowledge Worker Performance

20. Smart Products & Services

Stan Davis Interview - http://www.cbi.cgey.com/
Stan Davis & Jim Botkin article - The Coming Of Knowledge Based Business - Harvard Business Review

21. Knowledge Mapping

Know Map magazine - http://www.knowmap.com/

Denham Grey - Knowledge Mapping :A Practical Overview - http://www.smithweaversmith.com/knowledg2.htm

Mitre -

Inspiration software - http://www.inspiration.com

Mindjet.com - MindMan Mindmapping software http://www.mindjet.com

22. Knowledge Arbitrage

"According to MindTree vice-chairman Subroto Bagchi, as part of its consultancy, the company has been focusing on technology practice for Internet technologies, including voice over IP, network management systems, and wireless. "As a spin off, the company has been able to set up a technology lab of its kind for knowledge arbitrage that will generate a wealth of market trends, project experience, and industry reports. The vision of MindTree Labs is to have the most informed e-business team on the planet with a reservoir of research and solutions," Bagchi affirmed.

23. Intellectual Property Development


Rembrandts in the Attic: Unlocking the Hidden Value of Patents (Hardcover) Author(s): Kevin Rivette ; David Kline

24. Reputational Capital

Thought Leader : Charles J. Frombrun - http://www.stern.nyu.edu/~cfombrun/reputation.html

The Reputation Institute - http://www.reputations.org/ or www.reputationinstitute.com

Reputation Institute ( Belgium ) - http://www.vub.ac.be/SCOM/maco/rieurorq.htm

Harris Interactive Reputation Quotient - http://www.harrisinteractive.com/pop_up/rq/

25. Intellectual Capital Measurement

see Kaieteur Institute - http://www.kikm.org/Knowledge_Measurement_Systems.html

Institute For Intellectual Capital Research - http://www.business.mcmaster.ca/mktg/nbontis/ic/

The ICM Group - http://www.icmgroup.com


Case - IC At Scandia - http://www.fpm.com/cases/el3.html

26. Product Knowledge Development


Coopers & Edgett -Product Development Institute -


27. Knowledge Representation/Visualization



see Kaieteur Institute - http://www.kikm.org/thinkwave.htm

28.Knowledge Agility - Sense & Respond

Rick Dove Chairman, Paradigm Shift International Senior Fellow, Agility Forum

Dr. Charles Savage -

Sense and Respond: Capturing Value in the Network Era Author(s): Stephen P. Bradley ed.; Richard L. Nolan ed.

Adaptive Enterprises - Creating and Leading Sense-and-Respond Organizations Stephan H. Haeckel

29. Ideation

Kaieteur Institute - Enterprise ideas Economy Research Centre - http://www.kikm.org/Ideas%20Economy.htm

Dr. John Kao -

Peter Schwartz - Global Business Network - http://www.gbn.com/

Joey Reiman -

David Siegel - Futurize Now - http://www.futurizenow.com/index_matrix.html

Leif Edvinsson - http://www.future-panel.com/theses/theses2.htm + http://www.unic.net

Chaordic Commons - http://www.chaordic.org

30. e-Knowledge Exchange/e-Knowledge Market

Kaieteur Institute Meta Portal to e-knowledge markets
See Taxonomy Of Sub-Patterns & & Links at


31. Local or Indigenous Knowledge

Seasonal Pattern Chart - http://www.panasia.org.sg/iirr/ikmanual/seachart.htm

Indigenous Knowledge & Development Monitor - http://www.nuffic.nl/ciran/ikdm/

Centre For Indigenous Knowledge For Agricultural &Rural Developments - http://www.iastate.edu/~anthr_info/cikard/

Alaska Native Knowledge Network - http://www.ankn.uaf.edu/iksgraph.html

Shaman Pharmaceuticals was engaged in trying to leverage ethnobotanical knowledge :-
- eg see

32. The Knowledge Toll Squeeze

Celera Genomics, a private enterprise may be in a control position with regard to knowledge of the human genome for which it may be able to squeeze a toll for access to that knowledge base www.celera.com 

 General Supplemental Resources

Book: Profit Patterns - http://www.profitpatterns.com/book/excerpt.html

Pattern Glossary - http://www-white.media.mit.edu/~tpminka/patterns/glossary.html

 Putting It All Together: Towards a Pattern Language for Interaction Design -                                                       http://www.pliant.org/personal/Tom_Erickson/Patterns.WrkShpRep.html


A Pattern Language : Towns, Buildings, Construction . Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein. Oxford University Press (1977). ISBN 0195019199. — Alexander's most widely admired and quoted book to date. A really valuable resource for refining and inspiring beautiful and responsible design and good design thinking, at every level of scale. Available at Amazon.com

Timeless Way of Building . Christopher Alexander. Oxford University Press (1979). ISBN 0195024028. — Available at Amazon.com




Some Reciprocial Links

BPubs.com - http://www.bpubs.com/New/5-Sep-2001.html
Bitpipe.com -
The Knowledge Management ResourceCenter -
Bellanet.org   -
Business 2.0 -
Enginex.com -
Gurteen.com - http://www.gurteen.com/ (
Gurteen Knowledge-Letter is a free knowledge management newsletter  ) IntelligentKM.com - http://www.intelligentkm.com/resources.shtml
IQ4Hire.com -
MetaKM.com -
Asia Pacific Computer Services -
http://www.asiapac.com.au/Links/KM.htm  http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~fkurfess/Courses/CSC-580/S01/Misc/Misc.html 
Bizdegree.com - http://www.bizdegree.com/know.htm
KMGov.com - http://www.km.gov/links/organization_links.html 
OpenPSA - http://www.openpsa.net/kennis.htm
KMPro - http://www.kmpro.org/km_links.htm 
US Department Of Energy - http://cio.doe.gov/knowledge_mgmt/km_prof_org_links.htm 
Islandic Research Council - http://www.rannis.is/Hagtolur/%C3%9Eekkingarver%C3%B0m%C3%A6ti/forsida.htm 
IRMAC.ca - http://www.irmac.ca/links/ 
KMAdvantage.com - http://www.kmadvantage.com/km_links.htm 
eGov Links - http://www.egovlinks.com/thinktank.html 
Strategic Road.com - http://www.strategic-road.com/gestion/knowlgfr.htm
ICASIT - http://www.icasit.org/km/kmevents.htm
SLA - http://www.sla.org/chapter/ctor/toolbox/km/kmres.htm 
GNet.org - http://www.gnet.org/ 
Shenship.com - http://www.shenship.com/quanlityass.html 
Barett Consulting -  http://barett.com/technology/knowledgemanagement.htm       
Digital Commerce Center -    http://www.ec2.edu/dccenter/ok/centers.html 
Elegant Solutions - http://www.elsol.org/steve/work.html 
KnowledgeBusiness.com - http://www.knowledgebusiness.com/guide/resource_links.asp 
Ontario Hospital Association - http://www.oha.com 
Advancing Minds - http://www.advancingminds.com/go_services/km/websites.shtml 
NetHandbooks.com - http://www.nethandbooks.com/kminfo.htm 
Informal.com ( Brazil ) - http://www.informal.com.br/sites/site_k.htm 
Digital Governance - http://www.cddc.vt.edu/digitalgov/gov-links.html 
i-KM.com - http://www.i-km.com/KMInnovLinks.htm 
Watervain Limited -
Bookmarks for Diane Mercier - http://consultus.qc.ca/diane.com/dire_faire/bookmark.htm 
 Bi-Digital.com - 

Eurotechnopolis.org  -

International Knowledge Management Institute - http://www.kminstitute.org    


Media Partners + Consortium Partners + Technology Partners + Business Partners

see http://www.kikm.org/portal/markets.htm

+ Special Knowledge Pattern Recognition Partner -John Kallden
 see  http://www.signofknowledge.com/



We Are always interested in learning about what you think. Give us your thoughts, suggestions, ideas, comments
Contact :



Copyright 2001.The Kaieteur Institute For Knowledge Management.
Toronto, Ontario · Canada. Tel:(416)651-1837 · Fax:(416)651-2108