Knowledge Markets Network -Member Profile |
Methodology & Knowledge Discipline or Biography Two decades practical experience in Knowledge Disciplines, Life Cycle Management, Product Information Management, Product Data Management, etc Broad-based industry experience in diverse Business Area Architectures, Consulting, Project Management, Training, Workshop Facilitation, etc Over 10 years experience with Internet environments, WebSite Design, Architect, Mastering, MetaData techniques Internationally recognized expert in multiple disciplines (knowledge management, PIM, Business Process Reengineering, Needs Analysis, Configuration Management, etc) Numerous papers and positions written on the above industry topics Internationally respected Conference Speaker (Delphi, IIR, First Conferences, etc) Recent Industry Credits [speaking engagements/formal interviews]: - CIO Magazine Article July 15, 2002 - “KM - The Right Way” - Delphi Group Conference March 15, 2002 - “Enabling Business Practices by ingraining” - ASIST Conference November 2001 - “KM - Realizing Value Through Pragmatics” - IIR Conference July, 2001 - “KM - Measurement & Pragmatics”
KM Magazine Article January 2001 - “Solving
the Value Equation" - First Conferences November 1999 - IntraNets for KM “KM - Practice versus Interest” Skip spent almost 3 years with PTC successfully bringing knowledge discipline practices and learning methods to the PTC environment while also validating that Windchill Technology can incorporate proven knowledge industry elements. Skip successfully designed and applied a knowledge system driving architecture to PTC’s Windchill environments, thereby enhancing metadata value, and proving significant Value in Return.Skip also utilized the knowledge discipline methods & elements successfully in assigned projects as well showing real world benefits of the applied knowledge discipline methods & elements. Skip has worked with the Oil & Gas industry (e.g. BP, Arco, Alyeska, Weatherford efforts) regarding the knowledge disciplines. Additionally, Skip has gained very practical experience in demanding industries such as aerospace (Lockheed JSF, Boeing Commercial), semiconductor (Charter of Singapore), telephony (GTE), Boeing Military (ANSI IRDS II), printed circuit board (NEC), Computing Software & Hardware industries, Software R&D, Management Consulting, Professional Implementation Services, etc. Skip’s continual focus has always been to address the pragmatics during his experiences with real projects, continually illustrating positive value as a result. In the early to mid-nineties he began creating the knowledge system driving architecture necessary to support proven industry learning methods. Skip brings this additional important knowledge discipline expertise to any team or project. His work is internationally known and respected. Skip successfully continues to illustrate the value and fulfillment of the learning circle methods and knowledge discipline elements in customer and client environments creating real value that contributes to the business benefits & business goals we all strive for. Enabling Good Business Practices by Ingraining Knowledge Discipline